Evaluation & Feedback‌

You have now reached the final stop on our training roadmap. We have designed it so you could:

  • Reflect on what you have learned and what you will need to move forward.
  • Test your understanding of some of the key elements.
  • Use your knowledge and experience to design a protocol for monitoring racism in sports that can be used in your local area.
  • Share your views on the training and help us to improve it.

Reflect and create your course takeaways

Take a moment to reflect on what you have learned in this training course. You may want to take notes as you work through the exercises.

  • Exercise 1: What are the skills and knowledge that you will be bringing with you in your MONITORA backpack?
    • Which of these skills do you already have?
    • Which of these skills do you wish to develop further?
  • Exercise 2: To help you identify the key takeaways from this training tool, we have developed a quick game.
  • Exercise 3: Now that you've been through the whole training, gained some insight into who your allies might be and become familiar with the MONITORA protocol for monitoring racism, it's time to take action. We've got a workbook for you! Let's work our way through it.

End of course feedback

CONGRATULATIONS! You have now reached the end of this training tool. And we sincerely appreciate your time.

Before you leave, we kindly ask you to give us some feedback on your experience of using the MONITORA training tool.

Your feedback will help us to improve not only this tool, but also future training tools that we develop.

The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

We thank you in advance for your time.